The total in the building fund for the new Scout HQ at the end of 2018 was a fantastic £70,000, towards our target!

Well done everyone who has flipped burgers, car parked in the rain, sang carols outside Tesco’s and rattled a collection bucket, all your hard work and generosity is making the new HQ an achievable goal.
During October to December due to these fantastic events we raised a whopping – £6,669!
For 2019, we are planning to hold at least one fund raising activity a month and we would like everyone to get involved in what ever way they can. It could be a donation of a raffle prize, putting up a poster, selling tickets to your work colleagues or helping car park at a community event.
Events so far
- January (on-going to the end of the term) – Penny Wars
- February – Pizza and Film night for Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and siblings
- March – Brewery Tour & Tex Mex night
Current/Upcoming Activities
- January (on-going to the end of the term) – Penny Wars
- March (23rd March 11:00 – 2:00pm) – Jumble Sale
- April (5th April 7:30 – 10:30pm) – Dolomites Band Night SOLD OUT!
- May (10th May) – Quiz Night
- July (13th July) – Sponsored Challenge
- October (12th October) – Barn Dance
- November (2nd November) – Tongham Bonfire
- December (date TBC) – Carol Singing
More details on each of these are below.
We also have the following community events where we get a donation if we help with the running of the event. This could be car parking, ticket sales, litter picking and marshalling. Volunteers needed!
- Samefest – 22nd June
- Ash Music Festival – 7th July
- Farnham Marathon – 8th September
- Hop Festival – 14th September
Also, please don’t forget the following initiatives which contribute towards the fund. More details are on the New Scout HQ page.
- Guildford Community Lottery
- Co-op Local Community Fund
- Easy Fundraising
January – Penny Wars (on-going to the end of the term)

Each Section (Beavers, Cubs and Scouts) has been given a jar for them to fill up with pennies and tuppences during the winter term. The winning Section will be the one that has collected the most.
You can sabotage other sections! The value of any notes or other coins will be deducted from the total.
Jars for all three Sections will be on display at the start and end of each meeting for you to add pennies and tuppences to your Section’s jar and other coins or notes to sabotage other Sections.
March – Jumble Sale (23rd March 11:00 – 2:00pm)
We will be collecting jumble and bric a brac after the Brewery Tour, so please do not bring it before then because we have no where to store it.
We would like you to collect clean clothing which we can sell, so no ripped or soiled items. The bric a brac can be toys, books, china etc again can these items be clean and complete we cannot except any electrical items.
These items will be sold at the sale in the Scout Hut and we will also have a tea tent so donations of homemade cakes would also be appreciated.
Volunteers will be needed to also sort, sell, make tea and clear up on the day.
April – Dolomites Band Night (5th April 7:30 – 10:30pm) – SOLD OUT!
Local band the Dolomites have offered to play for the Group. This will a fun fuelled night where you can dance the night away to classic 50’s and 60’s rock ’n’ roll. You will know all the songs and your feet will just keep on tapping.
£10 a ticket
May – Quiz Night (10th May)
More details to come, put the date in your diary!
July – Sponsored Challenge (13th July)
We would like to do a sponsored event, which is suitable for the whole Group to participate in. We would like it to be sporting in nature and a challenge. If you are interested in taking part or have any ideas for the challenge, please speak to your Leader.
October – Barn Dance (12th October)
Barn dance with ploughman’s supper, this a family event will have lots of dancing while local musicians play.
£12.50 adult, £7.50 under 18’s,
£35 family ticket (2 adults, 2 children)
November – Tongham Bonfire (2nd November)
Whole group event with volunteers needed to man the burger stall, shake buckets, litter pick, build the bonfire etc.
December – Carol Singing (date TBC)
Whole Group event including parents, singing carols and Christmas songs outside a local supermarket.